Another great article from Peter Minkoff
With November approaching us, lots and lots of guys are thinking about what this month means to them. It’s all about the Movember movement and changing your life for the better while, at the same time, raising the awareness of certain important issues that occupy the mind of a modern man. This movement appears to be simple at first and only focused on a group of guys growing beard and mustache, but it’s so much more than that. Therefore, here are five of the most important things Movember has taught us.
Beards are cool
First of all, let’s make one thing clear – the Movember movement brought the beard back! Instead of being criticized for sporting their beards and perceived like a bunch of weirdoes who hate shaving, the guys who love their facial hair finally got some recognition and respect from the wider community. And, to be honest, a proper-looking beard really does look cool on a man.
In addition to this awesome visual appeal, beards come with a number of other health-based advantages as well. It protects your skin against dangerous UV rays, prevents you from getting acnes, builds your confidence and makes you look more serious. So, think about growing some kind of a beard, at least for a month, and you’ll surely notice the difference.
Raising awareness is important
The original intention behind the Movember movement wasn’t just to promote manly scruffy looks, but to actually raise the awareness of the importance of men’s health. The problem is that most guys simply don’t pay enough attention to the state of their mental and physical health, and this could turn out to be quite a problem in the long run.
By raising the awareness about these problems, people supporting the movement are also raising a substantial amount of money for prevention of various diseases men suffer from. These range from testicular cancer and depression to diabetes and weight issues, and these are all important things we need to talk about. By giving them more importance during this one month, we’re making them more visible all year long, thus saving a ton of lives all over the world.
Eating better food is even more important
Talking about male health usually starts by pointing out the fact that men generally don’t eat proper food and stick to unhealthy options instead. This is particularly visible in men who live alone because they’re the ones who don’t cook for themselves, but rely on take-outs and fast food options, which isn’t that good for their health or their budget.
Instead of that, Movember promotes positive lifestyle, protecting your health and improving your diet, which means you too have to think about adding new ingredients into your daily menu this month. So, you too might want to start by looking into organic food online and incorporating these nutritious items into your diet as soon as possible.
Cancer is no joke
You can do a lot for your health by changing your diet, but is that really enough? In certain cases, a change like this can have a major impact on your health, but not if you’re dealing with serious diseases like testicular or prostate cancer. That’s why these two issues are at the core of the Movember movement, and minimizing the number of patients year after year could easily be its biggest impact.
Testicular and prostate cancers are hard to deal with, particularly if not treated adequately and immediately after they’re discovered, which is why millions of men all around the world are suffering from them as we speak. However, if noticed early and treated adequately, the end results could be quite different, and that’s why Movember is so important. Raising the awareness about these problems helps men everywhere understand what they’re dealing with and allows them to get help right away.
You too can make a change
The thing with all these popular mass-movements is that they’re not taken seriously by everyone. Lots of men believe that Movember is just an excuse for certain guys to stop shaving for a month, and they don’t want to take part in the movement. However, what they don’t know is that they could be the ones that might benefit from it the most.
You can never know if you’re suffering from cancer unless you talk to your doctor and take necessary tests. Luckily, testicular cancer can be noticed early on and you can even perform self-exam from time to time, and these things could end up saving your life. Therefore, you too can make a change and save someone’s life, and it only takes a month to do so.
Movember isn’t just about being cool and acting like you’re better than everyone else. On the contrary, it’s about helping your fellow men understand themselves, improve their health and do something better for their future, so think about these things this November.
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